Thursday, January 28, 2010

NEW MLA Handout at Chabot

MLA Citation Handout (7th Edition)Chabot Library is proud to announce the new, updated handout to the MLA Works Cited format. Now corresponding to seventh (2009) edition, the new handout is your resource for quick reference to cite different instances to online database articles, books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, and Web sites. Copies of the new handout are available at the reference desk (in a celestial blue color) and at:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Library Reserves

This is just a reminder to all of you that we will place any of your teaching materials on reserve here in the library. However, we don't purchase textbooks for this purpose. You need to provide us with one of your extra desk copies.

We've had several students in the library recently asking for their textbooks that some of you may have said to them that we would have in the library. We don't! You are our only source for these books.

Please pass the word on to your part-time colleagues that may not receive this email.

Just stop in the library and ask for the form Chabot College Reserve Book Request at the Circulation desk. They will be placed on reserve in your name and class.

Help us to better serve your students.

Library Orientations

The Chabot College Librarians offer orientation sessions during each semester, including the summer, covering basic library and research skills. We customize each orientation based on the given assignment.

Whether your students are required to write a report, a critical essay, or a research paper, the librarians will show them how and where to begin. We will make sure they don’t get lost in the overwhelming sea of information. They will learn about:

· Organization of the Chabot College Library
· Finding Books Using the Online Book Catalog
· Finding Articles Using Periodical Indexes
· Internet Resources
· Research Strategies and Techniques
· Selection and Evaluation of Sources
· Citation Formats

Use the attached Orientation Request form today to schedule an orientation for your class. Or, you can submit the online Library Instruction Form for Faculty that can be found at We need a minimum of one week’s notice in order to schedule and prepare for your session. Please include a copy of your assignment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome Back! It's a New Decade!

And the semester is in full swing today. The Library is open and our current hours are available at:

Online Chat Reference

New services include our Online Chat Reference. Now on the Library home page and at the times indicated, you can get real time online reference from one of our librarians. Look at the third column and type in your question at the bottom of the box!

Searchpath 1.2 and Lots of Other Tutorials

The Library is proud to announce Searchpath 1.2, the new version of a six module tutorial that will teach you how to use both print and online resources effectively. Each module lasts from 15 to 45 minutes long, depending on the lesson.

In addition, we now have many new tutorials that will teach you how to log into databases from off campus, search the Library Catalog and EBSCOhost, effective tips on Emailing and printing articles from databases, and further tips on how you can become a savvy researcher on EBSCOhost. Please take a look at our tutorials, and then if you have any questions, as always, contact a librarian.

Stay tuned for more on more new services available just for you at the Library, and upcoming events!

Happy Searching!

Where is Project MUSE?

As you know, all state funded institutions in California have been suffering by budget cuts. While the Library believes you should have as many resources online as possible, we did not have the funds to renew this important database for the 2010. This means for the Spring semester full text articles for Project MUSE are not available. As Project MUSE was a unique subscription as we had what was called "perpetual access," once the DVD-ROMs are available around June, we will have copies of all articles up to 2009 from our past database subscription in that format (a librarian would then retrieve an article for you). Unfortunately, we will not receive these DVD-ROMs until likely June.

If your instructor asks you to use Project MUSE, search in one of our other many current database subscriptions instead. They are available at:

EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite has articles similar to what you would find in Project MUSE and for literary criticism, use Literature Resource Center.

If you still need to use Project MUSE, the CSU East Bay Library currently subscribes to it. You will need to be on the CSU East Bay campus, itself, to use it, however.