Thursday, May 24, 2007

Make This Summer a Technology Summer!

Students, faculty, staff, and yes, even librarians-- We are supposedly in a Web 2.0 world now, and we probably are not even totally aware as of yet what that means for our teaching and learning.

But in this world where we can simply "type in a box" the opportunities to improve our learning and teaching are here. There's so much to
share. So below is a laundry list of what tools are out there, and as the summer and fall progress--some of these tools will be discussed in detail. We've discussed Picnik, already.

For Instructors Who Teach DE or Are Curious About DE
Top 10 Things to Do This Summer

Introductory YouTube Videos to Web 2.0 Technologies
What is all this?
Web 2.0: The Machine is Us/ing Us
RSS in Plain English
Are You Blogging This?

Create Your Own Web 2.0 Site
Host your forum, invite participation

Present What You've Found On the Web

Sharing Photos, Editing Them, Tagging Them
. . . and Turn Them Into Discussion Forums (Team Projects, Instructors and Students)

Sharing Videos
Submit your closed captioned video or also include a transcript, when teaching

Sharing Your Bookmarks
View your favorite sites from any computer and learn new ones from your new found online friends.
Stumble Upon
Blackboard scholar (not currently available at Chabot or Las Positas)

Sharing Attachments
Without clogging Email boxes

Make It Come To You: RSS Feeds
Really Simple Syndication
What is RSS?
RSS Readers
How to Create an RSS 2.0 Feed

Send URL's People Can Easily Copy on Paper
TinyURL it

Share Your Word Processing Documents and Spreadsheets
Teams work together from one file. Instructors, provide feedback to revisions
Google Documents

Roll Out Your Own Search Engines
Create subject-oriented search engines that only retrieve the reliable sites you know
Google Custom Search Engine

Find More Music You Like and Share It
Turn your favorite song into a radio station for similar songs, or share what you're listening on ITunes
Pandora Radio

Social Networks
Librarians using web 2.0 technology use Ning and Facebook

Tag . . . You're It!
Find what you've created, easily. Enter text or search a file to see what keywords will make your photo, web page more easily found.

Want more insight? Podcasts, PowerPoints and links to tools are available at thanks goes to the presenters of this year's California Clearinghouse of Library Instruction workshop--librarians and educators David Silver, Anne-Marie Dietering, and Michele Mizejewski. Thanks also to Eileen O'Shea from InfoPeople for the wonderful workshop she gave to California community college librarians back in April.

And in the meantime, share your experiences with these tools. Hit the Comments link--how can these tools enhance your learning or teaching? Part of Web 2.0 is
sharing what we have found and learned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Norman, THANK YOU for this outstanding list! There is much here to learn about, and hopefully we can share results as colleagues around the campus, district, and world find exciting applications of these technologies.

Cheers and regards,